Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I sit today thinking of all the wasted time. Time looking at other people's lives. Time wishing, time regreting. I am going to make the time this summer with my family count. I am still going to school and will hopefully sign a new job. I want to be tired because I had so much fun and made memories every day with my family. I don't want to be tired because of stress or boredom or being unhealthy. I want my children to have memories to talk about even if we don't have money to take huge vacation. I want my husband to fall in love with me all over again this summer. I have wasted so much of the last year crying and worrying and wishing somehow life would be better. Well, I am going tomake it better. I will have no regrets. I am going to be the best me I can be, live for the moment. I love my life and I want everyone to know that as soon as they see me. I hope everyone can realize there is good to come from every situation even though it takes us a long time to find it sometimes. I want to blog so I can look back and count my blessings.