Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas to everyone. Make memories and magic that last a lifetime but remember the real reason for the season is the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Living in Harmony-Merry Christmas to All

I love the music this time of year. I drive to work and automatically start harmonizing. My Grandma Smith taught me how to sing alto and that is what I did all through school and in the Contemporary Christian Singing group. She would stand beside me in church. Mom and Amy would sing soprano, grandma would get me started on alto and once I got a good start she would switch over to tenor. I could always tell when i started struggling cause she would step a little closer to me and start back on alto. :) Great memories and a great life lesson. Sometimes the melodies--no most of the time melodies are much prettier when you add the harmonies. The person who stands out front and sings with all their might would not be complete without the little 4 foot 9 inch tenor hiding in the back row. I don't like to be in the front row in life, but I believe that my goodness shines through the background. Instead of trying to out-do or out-achieve the person who always gets the credit, see how you can harmonize with them to make what they do more beautiful. Someone will know how much your harmonious acts matter. And it makes you even more special that you do not need reward for your acts. That is what Jesus would want us to do. I truly hope all of you have a Merry Christmas and that you remember the true meaning of this holiday. Give from your heart even if that is just an act of kindness for someone who has nothing. The holiday has become so commercialized and I find sadness in this. Our home is warm and the deco is up feel free to stop in if you are ever in our area. I would absolutely love to hear carolers you don't see that very often anymore. Homemade Christmas cards, homemade cookies, decorating as a family, reading the Christmas story make sure you take time for these simple things that will hold lasting memories in your heart, not just a credit card bill or empty bank account. Chances are just about everything on that Christmas list will mean very little come next year, but memories live forever. Live in harmony with each other and be happy.

Monday, November 28, 2011

winter blues

What is it about winter that brings depression along with it. I have heard it is the lack of sunshine. Seems funny with glistening white snow. Brisk temperatures to bring alive your senses. Beautiful Christmas lights sparkling. You would think our sleep would be better with cozy warm quilts and warming blankets. The joy of the season and celebrating the birth of a savior that gave us eternal life should be enough to keep us going all winter long. I tend to be one that tears up with every slow Christmas carol, get sad when I think of all the wonderful things I would love to buy my family but can't afford, dwell on the loved ones that won't be sitting at the Christmas table. Then I think about the shivering families who no longer have a home and will be cold all winter and growling stomachs. Does our greed as small as it may be belittle the needs of these people.? I am trying to stay happy, be generous and loving and remember that God loves us and is in control. Every season has it's place and beauty. I prefer fall and spring but I know that every day is a blessing and to waste a day with my precious family would be foolish. We should enjoy every moment of every day because time is something we can't get back. The wrinkles on my face remind me of this daily. Sooooo that is my goal is tto not let the winter blues get the best of me this year. Now off to warm my cozy covers :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

moms are the best medicine

Being sick the last couple days i remember when I was a child and just laying on mom's lap and letting her rub my hair helped me to feel better. I don't remember rushing to the doctor much. I remember the bottle of green medicine we had to take for belly aches that was horrid that seemed to never leave the cupboard.I remember the over the counter little yellow allergy pills. And very rarely we would get an antibiotic. Those were the good days because it tasted so much better than anything in mom's cupboard and was cold on a sore throat. Mostly I remember staying in bed all day, room temperature broth and jello water(my favorite). We would wear an inch of vicks vapo rub with one of dads sweat socks pinned around our neck. Vaporizers in our room and mom filling the humidifier running in the hall. 7up for colds or Ginger Ale for for upset stomachs. Mom would also chop up cough drops in little pieces so we wouldn't choke on them. It meant we were getting better if we could progress to oatmeal or eggs and toast. I don't remember being sick that much, but it never seemed like a burden for mom when we were. She read us stories or colored with us, or would make us a bed on the couch if we wanted to watch a special show on tv. She just took care of us. Alot of nights she would sleep sitting beside our bed or laying at the foot of our bed.Dad worked second shift but she would always leave notes for him on the counter with how we were doing. I know I don't have the patience of my mother, but I would like to think I have just a bit of her gentle touch when caring for my babies.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mornings of hope

Good Morning everyone--I think. After working third shift for over a year, I can officially say I am NOT a morning person. Getting up at 0630 with Chels on the days I am off is well for lack of a better word--difficult for me. But I do like what mornings represent. An awakening. A brand new start to a day. The unwrapping of hope. We can step outside and take a breathe of cool air and start all over no matter what happened yesterday. The sun and animals are slowly peaking out. Slowly, house lights pop on one by one. For some reason getting up in the middle of the day just doesn't feel the same. My husband and I watched a Christmas movie last night---don't laugh I don't have any decorations up yet or anything. Anyway-the plot of the movie was how sometimes when life is good and we are blessed there is still one piece missing from our life to make it all work. Sometimes that piece has been right there in front of us all along but we are so stuck on holding on to grief or fear or anger that we rob our selves of having a complete life. I have been there. I have so much anger brewed up inside of me for several what I have saw as tragedies in my life. My first "boyfriend" died shortly after a kidney transplant due to rejection at age 13, I had a miscarriage in 1996 and I could not understand what I did wrong, my best friend died at age 17 in 1998 and I was devastated. Chelsi's father left and could find "love" with everyone but me when she was just a baby. My grandmother's house and father's homestead was taken by the tornado just minutes after my dad got grandma out of the house. She died a month later from a heart attack.My nephew was born with seizures and we stood in fear wondering if he would live through those first few days in 2004. I lost my job in 2009 for no fault of my own simply because they could pay someone less. My grandmother had to suffer from the debilitating effects of alzheimer's after following all the rules and taking care of herself her whole life. My list goes on and on and on and on and started with "minor" tragedies in school....but I still slowly diffuse my hurt and anger over things like this. The bottom line is that it is not for me to understand, just to accept. I have to forgive the people that hurt me, or am robbing myself of happiness. My life is so full of blessings I can't count them and I pray almost daily that more of the hurt inside me be taken away. I hope everyone can find that refuge in God. That release. The devil surely tries to imprison us with misery and pile the gloom on so high that sometimes it is hard to see the beauty of something as simple as a new morning. I will keep looking though, and trying to be grateful for everything wonderful that has been provided. Enjoy the warm temps and sunshine today everyone. I think a white winter is not too far ahead of us.

Monday, November 7, 2011

What a dreary day, but was a good one to sleep this mornin. Shawn has been busy at work fixin up a truck for us to have as our second vehicle. Grateful that he has the talent to work on things to save us money. Went to the health fair today and my fasting blood sugar was 90 so that was good, but realize more and more every day just how unhealthy I have become. I don't feel I am lazy. I sleep different times than other people but I think over all less, I have so much on my plate I feel like I am in a whirlwind most days--yet I feel like my health and well being have no spot at all on my roster right now. That has to change. I feel selfish when I take time for myself, but am beginning to realize that the only selfish thing would be to have a heart attack or stroke or some horrible disease because I didn't put a little effort in to myself. That would be cutting my time with my family short. I can make lists and organizational charts and plans, and if i don't actually have time to follow through than they are pointless.
Shawn got all the bikes put away today, and I am gonna work on the shrubs and front porch tomorrow. I also need to finish cleaning carpets, putting away halloween deco, 2 loads of laundry, a few groceries, preparing for PALS teaching thursday/friday, preparing for girlscouts Friday, cleaning out fridge and giving the main bathroom a good scrubbing.(somehow playing in the leaves last evening for the kids resulted in a destruction of the bathroom). I have to start preparing for Christmas at some point and figure out how much more i have to work to get stuff for the kiddos and hope they enjoy their gifts. I feel so overwhelmed sometimes, but at the same time love caring for my family and don't see myself doing many unnecessary tasks at all.
I would like to add some of my favorite recipes that we like to this as time allows, but am still trying to figure out layouts and such. Well, things need done and I am getting sleepy--only 4 hours sleep today and still have to drive in to chelsi basketball practice in a bit.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says... 'I'll try again tomorrow.'" ~ Mary Anne Radmacher-Hershey

Friday, October 21, 2011

It is amazing how God works to help us along our journey setting everything into place.  Sometimes the bad has to happen to make the perfect stage for the good.  I have enjoyed my morning thoroughly this morning. Helped my daughter get ready for spirit day today and smiled inside at what a beautiful young woman she is becoming. I will cherish every moment knowing that the days will pass so quickly and she will be out on her own.  My son looked strikingly handsome this morning going off to school and the bond that he and his father has is amazingly beautiful.  I hope one day he grows to have a wealth of talents he shares with his family from what he has learned tagging with dad.  My husband and I had quiet time together and he pulled me close to his chest and told me he wished he could keep me there forever.  My heart leaped and overflowed with love.  My work schedule has worked out and I should have one extra day per week through the end of January, which will help with the winter bills.  My house is warm and full of love, and it feels so good to find refuge here.  My father sent me home the "issues" to review before voting in a couple weeks and it is a nice feeling to know at almost 36 my father is still interested in the decisions I make.  My mother shares her Amish love story books with me and for some reason I feel bonded to her when reading them knowing we share similar values and morals, and I reflect on how much she prepared me to be a good mother.  I am trying to prepare for a girlscouts meeting this afternoon and decided I was trying to hard. This is about giving the girls a sense of belonging and setting an example and guiding them to be better people. Not about awards or time limits, so I hope to have a great meeting today.  It was posed to me not long ago by someone I love dearly that it just didn't make sense that there was a God that would let bad things happen to people and war to be going on and famines and homeless people. If he was a real father He would make everything right. Sad to think that at one time every thing was perfect and sin ruined it. God doesn't make the bad things happen, sin and the devil does. Pride does. Selfishness does. God is the small glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel, the hand that picks us up, the good that is left in this earth.  He has to be invited to help us and we have to be willing to make things right. He shows us the way instead of handing us the answers.  The devil has knocked on my door so many times in the last 3 or 4 years and tried everything in his power to discourage me and make me give up. I have been close but every time I was at a breaking point and in tears, I closed my eyes and gave it all over to the Lord and simply looked for the answers.  There was always answers and my family has grown. I cannot begin to count the blessings, our cup overflows.  So I will continue to smile and enjoy my days and pray that you will to.  Be grateful for all of your blessings instead of focusing on the misfortunes. Have a great day everyone.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

This morning I am grateful for my high school english teacher, Mrs. Marie Ellerbrock. I helped my nephew with his college english essay and I see that it is just not being taught like it used to. I asked him to write down his thoughts and then I transformed them Ellerbrock style!!! He had a huge smile on his face with the end result.I am thankful grammar skills and imagery were instilled in us that we might pass it on to another generation. It feels like it is gonna be another cocoa or capaccino day. I hope everyone stays warm and toasty. Gonna prep for the girlscout meeting on Friday and work on my portfolio to gain an advancement at work--5% raise to put my accomplishments and efforts on paper.  The scheduler called last night from Dupont and I was able to sign up for another day per week through the end of February which again is a huge feeling of relief and satisfaction.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A very dreary day today, but yet i am thankful. Every season has it's place and has it's part in our beautiful world.  I have felt very blessed by my family today. I sit and ponder sometimes or rather ponder while I try to do things and I thought today how much we really have to be grateful for and how we should be sure to be aware of everything we do. Some people are homeless and begging for a warm blanket and 50 cents for a coffee. How easy is it to leave a blanket on the floor and complain about it being drafty in our "too small" home--or even sweep 50 cents up in the sweeper or throw it in the car ashtray.  Someone is paralyzed and dying to take a step--how many times do we take our strengths and abilities for granted.  Someone is in a coma and dying to speak and tell someone they love them--how many times do we not say the words when we had the perfect opportunity to the people that mean the most to us.There is a mother or father dying wishing they had just a few more moments with their children--how easy is it to tell your kids you will play or participate because things need done first. There are people dying to go to work--how easy is it to complain about overtime and fatigue. There are handicapped people giving 150% to learn a skill--how easy is it to ignore our talents and blessings and be lazy instead.  I challenge you to be aware of every minute of your day so when you go to sleep you have a pure sense of happiness and fulfillment. I am off to make a pillowcase for my daughter--just because she wants to.!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

As I clean my house today and try to find spots for everything after the kitchen remodel, I try to remember what inspired me to accumulate all of this JUNK.   I have come to the conclusion that the statement "someone's junk is someone else's treasure" is only partially true.  I have so much of my grandmother's from both sides, mother's and shawn's mother's things in my home. When I took them in I think part of the time I was thinking this meant a lot to them so I should keep this, or maybe I will use this maybe someday.  And do you want to know what: I have never used the stuff and now all it has created is unwanted clutter. I have made a promise to myself that if I am not POSITIVE my family will use the item, it is not coming into my house.  I love my little house, but cannot stand clutter.I believe whole heartedly that less is more.I have amish friends and their house is immaculate and there is no clutter anywhere. The kids have  a small corner with toys, there are a few precious handmade decorations, and the bedrooms are simple and uncluttered and meant for sleeping. It is no wonder their homes are so beautiful, they do not have to move and shuffle junk in order to clean.  I hope by this winter to have my home simplified, donating what is not needed and recycling the materials that can be taken to the center.I have cleaned people's home as employment in the past and growled under my breath at excessive clutter---my oh my I wonder what the cleaning lady would mutter in my home.  Now back to my accumulations and trip to simplification.

Shared from a dear friend

"Worry and stress communicate that it’s okay to sin and not trust God because the stuff in my life is somehow exceptional. Both worry and stress reek of arrogance. They declare our tendency to forget that we’ve been forgiven, that our lives here are brief, that we are headed to a place where we won’t be lonely, afraid, or hurt ever again, and that in the context of God’s strength, our problems are small, indeed." from Crazy Love by Francis Chan

My favorite things this week

My favorite things this week so far is the crunching of the leaves under my feet as I shuffle through the yard, picking the ripened pears off of the tree and cutting for the freezer. Coda throwing a surprise party and planning the menu for no reason at all. The pride on Chelsi's face when she brought home all good grades/seeing her excitement planning for the homecoming game.  My husband being silly and romancing me like we were still dating. My husband going as a chaperone on the preschool field trips and keeping his cool.  My newly redone kitchen made out of almost all recycled goods costing less than 150 dollars.  My home interior wall arrangement I was able to get at a garage sale for about 1/10 the cost.  Doing a happy dance with a toddler in her hospital room after a successful treatment.
My favorite deals/finds this week were: the recipes for windex type cleaner and febreeze type cleaner, a copycat recipe for Bob Evan's Potatoe Soup, Taco Seasoning Bulk Recipe, Recipe for Hair Detangler, Recipe for Carpet Deoderizer.  I did most of my shopping at save a lot this week, and the items I was going to price comp at Walmart-they actually already had cheaper- so it wasn't a struggle this week. My CVS savings for the year hit 600 dollars this week-hehehe.

wow, hard to believe that first post was almost a year and a half ago. Let's just say things exploded and became very very busy.  I think I am finally getting a grasp on it enough to start this blog thing again. I did get a job at Dupont Hospital in Fort Wayne. I work with children which makes my job so much easier and rewarding. Shortly after I went through orientation my husband lost his job at the factory so we are still on one income. I took on the task of teaching Pediatric Advanced Life Support at a sister hospital. I also substitute as school nurse at a couple of local schools.  Shawn went back for his EMT and passed with flying colors.  He is now continuing on for his paramedic in hope for a better paying job.  I hope to return to school when he is done.  I joined the Van Wert Nurses Association and am now a member of the preschool board. I also became a Girl Scout Leader and am trying to learn the ropes for that.We made it through another year of softball and soccer. BLLLLLUUURRRRR.  In my spare time(lol) I coupon and try to make stuff for my family. We have limited eating out, I do alot of second hand shopping, and use coupons and voutures weekly. I make most of my own cleaning supplies and enjoy sharing my secrets with friends.  We have made it and I think we have done it comfortably.  I know my daughter would love to shop the mall weekly and have more money, but I hope in the journey of this thing called life, my children learn what is really important and what should be valued.