Sunday, May 20, 2012

God's Blessings

Spring has sprung and the garden is in.  It has been dry and requiring lots of watering. The children are growing so fast and I absolutely love watching them blossom. I just won a scholarship for continuing on for my BSN and am very excited to continue on next fall--I do not however know ow I can possibly fit anything else into this crazy schedule.  We are doing home repair little by little and hoping to make our home look absolutely wonderful by fall.  Shawn's father passed away on Friday and I can not imagine the loss he feels in his heart.  Life begins and life ends, and it seems like in reality we have so very little time here. We must make the time with our loved ones count.  My nephew is getting married next Wednesday and I am starting to feel very old. I see new age spots and wrinkles on my face weekly, and I am more determined than ever to fulfill whatever purpose God has put me here to do.  I am looking forward to doing some freezer cooking here soon and then awaiting the summer garden for putting up can goods.  I hope the Lord is blessing you all as much as He has blessed me.