Thursday, December 15, 2011

Living in Harmony-Merry Christmas to All

I love the music this time of year. I drive to work and automatically start harmonizing. My Grandma Smith taught me how to sing alto and that is what I did all through school and in the Contemporary Christian Singing group. She would stand beside me in church. Mom and Amy would sing soprano, grandma would get me started on alto and once I got a good start she would switch over to tenor. I could always tell when i started struggling cause she would step a little closer to me and start back on alto. :) Great memories and a great life lesson. Sometimes the melodies--no most of the time melodies are much prettier when you add the harmonies. The person who stands out front and sings with all their might would not be complete without the little 4 foot 9 inch tenor hiding in the back row. I don't like to be in the front row in life, but I believe that my goodness shines through the background. Instead of trying to out-do or out-achieve the person who always gets the credit, see how you can harmonize with them to make what they do more beautiful. Someone will know how much your harmonious acts matter. And it makes you even more special that you do not need reward for your acts. That is what Jesus would want us to do. I truly hope all of you have a Merry Christmas and that you remember the true meaning of this holiday. Give from your heart even if that is just an act of kindness for someone who has nothing. The holiday has become so commercialized and I find sadness in this. Our home is warm and the deco is up feel free to stop in if you are ever in our area. I would absolutely love to hear carolers you don't see that very often anymore. Homemade Christmas cards, homemade cookies, decorating as a family, reading the Christmas story make sure you take time for these simple things that will hold lasting memories in your heart, not just a credit card bill or empty bank account. Chances are just about everything on that Christmas list will mean very little come next year, but memories live forever. Live in harmony with each other and be happy.

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