Friday, October 21, 2011

It is amazing how God works to help us along our journey setting everything into place.  Sometimes the bad has to happen to make the perfect stage for the good.  I have enjoyed my morning thoroughly this morning. Helped my daughter get ready for spirit day today and smiled inside at what a beautiful young woman she is becoming. I will cherish every moment knowing that the days will pass so quickly and she will be out on her own.  My son looked strikingly handsome this morning going off to school and the bond that he and his father has is amazingly beautiful.  I hope one day he grows to have a wealth of talents he shares with his family from what he has learned tagging with dad.  My husband and I had quiet time together and he pulled me close to his chest and told me he wished he could keep me there forever.  My heart leaped and overflowed with love.  My work schedule has worked out and I should have one extra day per week through the end of January, which will help with the winter bills.  My house is warm and full of love, and it feels so good to find refuge here.  My father sent me home the "issues" to review before voting in a couple weeks and it is a nice feeling to know at almost 36 my father is still interested in the decisions I make.  My mother shares her Amish love story books with me and for some reason I feel bonded to her when reading them knowing we share similar values and morals, and I reflect on how much she prepared me to be a good mother.  I am trying to prepare for a girlscouts meeting this afternoon and decided I was trying to hard. This is about giving the girls a sense of belonging and setting an example and guiding them to be better people. Not about awards or time limits, so I hope to have a great meeting today.  It was posed to me not long ago by someone I love dearly that it just didn't make sense that there was a God that would let bad things happen to people and war to be going on and famines and homeless people. If he was a real father He would make everything right. Sad to think that at one time every thing was perfect and sin ruined it. God doesn't make the bad things happen, sin and the devil does. Pride does. Selfishness does. God is the small glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel, the hand that picks us up, the good that is left in this earth.  He has to be invited to help us and we have to be willing to make things right. He shows us the way instead of handing us the answers.  The devil has knocked on my door so many times in the last 3 or 4 years and tried everything in his power to discourage me and make me give up. I have been close but every time I was at a breaking point and in tears, I closed my eyes and gave it all over to the Lord and simply looked for the answers.  There was always answers and my family has grown. I cannot begin to count the blessings, our cup overflows.  So I will continue to smile and enjoy my days and pray that you will to.  Be grateful for all of your blessings instead of focusing on the misfortunes. Have a great day everyone.

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